Undercover Mother
While trading’s been stoppered by a Covid-shaped cork, business owners have been forced to look for alternative areas to focus their time.
For the smart ones, lockdown has been a time for “doing”.
Getting that new CRM implemented…
Setting up automated email processes for nurturing leads and onboarding new customers….
Fine-tuning the copy on every landing page to make them convert better as business picks up again…
And for one British baby-focused start-up, it’s been an opportunity to overhaul their entire gallery of products and create a website that feels like somewhere their ideal customers want to be.
During the last lockdown, we did a Covid-safe photo shoot for Undercover Mother; an unusual brand that I thought you might be interested to see! https://undercovermother.uk/
Can you guess what’s under the hood?!
Rather than getting overcome by lockdown blues, the lovely owner-operators at Undercover Mother got proactive and did the things that’ll ensure their business is one of the survivors at the other end of this tunnel we’re in right now.
They’ve refined their message, streamlined their website and updated their photography too.
If you want to talk about using your time wisely to update your brand during the current lockdown, let’s have a chat.
Ping me an email on carmel@carmeljane.co.uk to tell me more about your business.
P.S. If you think video might be part of the plan, keep an eye out in your inbox for an email from me next week – I’ll tell you more about our Production Pack offer (8 weeks of high quality video content for just £845+VAT!).